Hello! My name is Stephanie and I'm really excited to help you with your English! I have lived in America my whole life, but I studied abroad in Japan for 4 months. I had the time of my life and got help with Japanese from many people. I'd love to return the favor by helping many people with English. Let's have fun messaging, speaking and playing games together! :)
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I will start with a word and you have to say a word that's first letter starts with the last letter of my word! For example, if I said "Dog" then your word must start with "G":) Then we can go back and forth!
I will start with a word and you have to say a word that's first letter starts with the last letter of my word! For example, if I said "Dog" then your word must start with "G":) Then we can go back and forth!
Thank you for the fun lesson. We talked about the name today. It was very interesting to be able to see the cultural differences between Japan and the United States. I'm looking forward to the next time ♪
アメリカ出身の英会話講師のStephanieは日本に留学経験があります。日本人にお世話になったからお返しをしたいという考えをお持ちで非常に良心的な授業料に設定して下さっています。数多くある留学先の選択肢から日本を選んで下さり日本人としてとても嬉しく思います。一言この場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます。素敵な年末年始をお過ごし下さい!Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, Stephanie!