
Language Fluency

Spanisch Native
Englisch Near-Native
Schwedisch Proficient
Japanisch Daily conversation
Deutsch Daily conversation
Französisch Daily conversation
Italienisch Daily conversation
Tschechisch Just a few words


Cambridge ESOL Grad Level 3 / C2
Master of Science
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Tutor’s Columns

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English and Spanish language teacher with a CELTA certification and years of experience. My lessons are fun with lots of practice, friendly conversation, grammar explanations and useful tips.

Nice to meet you! 初めまして!
My name is Juane, as in kanji 風安音.

I lived in Japan for more than a year, in Tokyo, Nara and Osaka. I studied Japanese language and became a research trainee at NTT. That was an amazing time when I had the opportunity to get to know Japan, its people and culture.

Languages are my passion and I would like to invite you to learn or practise your English skills with me. I am a certified English teacher and examiner, who has obtained both CELTA and C2 Proficiency certificates from Cambridge. I also speak native Spanish and other languages at various levels, including daily conversation Japanese. I can help you overcome the main difficulties that Japanese speakers face when they learn English.

Apart from my background in languages, I am also a system engineer and a Thai massage therapist. I travelled to more than a hundred countries and would like to share all these experiences with you.

My classes are flexible, we can work on conversation, grammar, pronunciation, whatever you want. Please book a free short trial lesson and we will discuss your needs. All levels are welcome.

Hope to talk to you soon! またね!

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