
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
Chinesisch/Mandarin Proficient
Englisch Just a few words


Major/Minor in Japanese
Foreign Teachers of the Japanese Language Course Completed
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Tutor’s Columns

Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Published 15 Aug, 2020 | View: 4518
7年くらい前に、台湾で 中国語の 勉強を 始めました。 最初は、覚えられないし、復習しても 忘れるし、困りました。 それでも、週に3回、塾に通って、少しずつ わかるようになりました。 その...
Published 13 Jul, 2020 | View: 5720
中国語の 勉強を 始めて、だんだん 話せることが 増えてきた ある日。 私は、中国語の 先生に、 「我今天帶水筒來」(今日、水筒を持ってきました。)と言いました。 先生は、びっくり。「水桶??...
Published 17 Jun, 2020 | View: 4884
Published 13 Jun, 2020 | View: 4625
今年は、マンゴーが安くておいしいですね。 はじめて金煌芒果を買いました。 大きくてびっくりしました。 とてもおいしかったです。 いつも、伝統市場で買い物しますが、このマンゴーは近...

OKI Tutorenprofil

Hello. I'm OKI. Let me help you learn Japanese!

Do you know a textbook called "Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter"?
It's a textbook which teaches you how to use Japanese in particular situations and what you can become able to do.
It's a fun book with many pictures and photos.
How about trying to talk about many things while using this textbook?

When I was around 40, I started studying Chinese. It was hard but little by little I got it and was eventually able to have understandable communication with my Taiwanese friends. So, for those of you learning Japanese: I know how you feel. Let's do our best together!

In my Chinese studies, I did language exchanges with many people. During those times I came to think that teaching Japanese is interesting and started to study that. First, I studied through Taiwan University's promotion department's development course. After that, once being admitted to a Japanese university, I took a teacher training course.

You want to speak a lot in Japanese, but if there's something you don't understand, you can ask me in Chinese. I can explain in Chinese if you like.
Well then, let's study Japanese together!

【 Cafetalk Translation / October 2020 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. 

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