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Asia/Tokyo 시간으로 표시됩니다.

Kawasaki.M 프로필

이 강사는 현재 수강할 수 없습니다.
Hello! NIce to meet you!

I'm Kawasaki (川崎). I'm from Japan's verdant and number one "hot spring prefecture," Oita prefecture.
Currently, I live in Peru.
It's already been 7 and a half years.

I had been a Japanese teacher for about 6 years in Chiclayo and Cusco.

Now I live in Cusco.
Cusco is the Andes mountains at an elevation of 3400 meters.
People who come to see Machu Pichu also visit Cusco, making it one of the world-leading tourist destinations.

I myself became able to speak Spanish, and have come into contact with many people, resulting in my world view becoming greater in scope. Peru's nature, culture and people are indeed varied. Peru has some of the best food and traditional music and dance in South America. Having experienced all this, I feel my life is rich and each day is filled with fun. By the way, my hobbies are travel, hotsprings and eating. How about learning Spanish and broadening your world as well? Everyone is nervous using a foreign language for the first time. However, in my experience making a few small mistakes is nothing to worry about. In the first place, trying to use a few words is crucial. In my lessons, if you wish to become able to speak Spanish, you can have the opportunity to speak a lot. For conversation, what is actually used in places and situations here, including reactions and ways of speaking as well as expressions, are things that I will be happy to help you learn.

【 Cafetalk Translation / November 2020 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.

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    (자세한 사항은 강사에게 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.)

이 강사의 레슨

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