
Language Fluency

Koreanisch Native
Japanisch Fluent

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Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Published 30 Oct, 2022 | View: 3538
온라인 레슨 150회를 기록하면서 오늘의 칼럼을 써볼게요. 今日オンラインレッスン150回記念でコラムを書きたいと思います。한국어를 공부하는 학생들에게 가장 많이 받는 질문 중 하나로서...
저는 학생들이 원하는 것을 말해주는, 답을 가르쳐주는 사람은 아닙니다. 무언가 보여주는 사람이죠.   제가 보여주는 것은 답이 있는 방향입니다   그 방향으로 얼마만큼 가야 되는...
Published 19 Mar, 2022 | View: 4874
<나는 왜 한국어 강사를 하고 싶었을까?> 결론부터 말하자면 나의 시간을 좀 더 가치 있고 유용하게 쓰고 싶기 때문이다. 나는 한국어 강사로서 나 자신도 보람을 느끼고...

HWANG INJOON Tutorenprofil

Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Hwang Injoon.

I joined the International Club around the time I was a university student, and I was in charge of supporting international students at the university in their studies and life in Korea.

When I was a junior in college, I studied abroad in Canada and participated in a language exchange program organized by one of the Canadian universities.

In September 2018, for the first time working in Japan, I was helped by a lot Japanese people.

Therefore, I would like to repay them in any way I can and show them my gratitude.

Would you like to study Korean together with me?

I look forward to working with you.

 Cafetalk Translation / April 2022 
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.
 The tutor doesn't speak English.

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  • Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
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