Last Updated At: April 26 (Updated every other Friday!)

category image Other Music Feedback Rankings

Based on student feedback received over the immediately preceding period.

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↓Here are some samples of my singing.Hello! I'm voice trainer Yumi. ♪ With the intent of becoming an actress, I moved to Tokyo to study theatre at un

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Hello everyone! If you're thinking "I want to play an instrument someday", or if you want your child to start an instrument, why don't you start a uk

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I have been teaching clarinet for 13 years. The unassuming appearance and gentle tone of the Clarinet is its charm!   By playing the clarinet, which

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My name is Kayoko Miyanaga-Hudak , I am flute player of the Wiener Royal Orchester and flute teacher in Vienna.Mein Name ist Kayoko Miyanaga-Hudak, i

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Hi. I am Ayaka, a vocalist in a piano & vocal unit. I used to belong to a music production in Tokyo as a singer-songwriter, writing lyrics, perfo

category image Other Music Trending Tutor Rankings

Based on volume of new students over the immediately preceding period.

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Fukumaru is a university lecturer who offers lectures and thesis guidance on Japanese music history and Asian ethnomusicology.I started teaching on C

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Hello, I’m Mako, a vocal instructor & private tutor! I have been a “vocal instructor for 5 years,” and a “private tutor for 5 years.” I teach bot

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Hello! My name is Yoko.   In addition to piano lessons, I would like to help students expand their musical knowledge by talking about theory, mu

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みなさんこんにちは!フィンガースタイルギタリストのYuta Tanakaです。アコースティックギター歴は20年ほどで、ギターをはじめてからずっと指弾き奏法でやってきています。3フィンガー奏法の指の動きや基本的な指弾き奏法を教えます。特にブルースギターが大好きで、一定のベースを弾きながらアドリブをとる

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初めまして!チェロ講師のNozomiです♪ 私がチェロを始めたきっかけは、大好きなジブリ音楽をチェロで演奏しているCDを聴いたことです。「なんてかっこいい音なんだ!私もこの楽器を弾けるようになりたい!」と思ったことは今でも記憶に残っています。   チェロは音域が広く、高い繊細な音から深みの

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