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모니터에 체험단에게 카페토크 인기 운동 레슨 무료 수강권 2장을 드리며
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레슨 동영상
운동 레슨 리뷰
I just finished my third lesson of a 4-lesson-pack with Alla. I tend to be a bit lazy, so booking a pack was the right 'kick in the butt' I needed so I would actually book 1 lesson per week. Alla changes the program slightly every week and always motivates me to do a bit more and go a bit farther then the week before. My shoulders and hips are quite stiff and I'm quite the coach potato, but I feel like her lesson is helping me get a better feeling of my body. Thank you Alla!
온라인으로 운동레슨을 받는다는 것이 생소했는데 열심히 따라 하다보니 금방 레슨이 끝났습니다. 카메라로 자세 교정도 해주고 생각보다 힘들고 운동이 되네요. 워킹맘이라 이른 시간만 되었는데 시차때문에 새벽에 할 수 있었던 점도 좋았어요.
Really enjoy the workout with Yoko!
All the movements are not difficult but you can truly feel it works.
Yoko also provides very detailed instructions in feedback about the course that I can review and practice by myself daily.
Highly recommend the class for whoever like to workout!
The lesson was much better than i expected. It was very helpful to get immediate feedback on my postures and to be able to identify my personsal strengths and weakness and how to build on them. David was very professional and gave lots of good advice, and having him instruct me helped me stay focused for the full hour and get work out specific things that i nneeded to. I was a bit nervous about taking the lesson with a male teacher, but it wasn't at all uncomfortable and i would definitely like to be able to take such lessons again.
온라인 운동 강사
모집 기간: 2021년 8월 26일 ~ 9월 1일
모집 카테고리 : 운동
모집 대상:
- 운동에 관심이 있지만 레슨을 수강한적 없는 분
- 이전에 공부한적 있으신 분
- 그 외
모집 인원: 10명
모니터 수강 순서
- 레슨 2회를 수강한 후 리뷰를 작성 해주시면 무료 수강권 1장을 드립니다!
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※모니터에 선정되신 분에게 2021년 9월 4일 까지 메일을 드립니다.
I used to be really flexible when I was younger so I requested a lesson to help get some of that flexibility back. She led me in stretches that were challenging but not impossible :) She even gave me pinpoint advice on specific areas that I requested. I felt really refreshed afterwards!