Lisa Budiharjo
2020년 8월 24일
Indonesia Folk Tales - Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called ...
Lisa Budiharjo
Expressing Your Feelings in Indonesian
Hi, it's me, Lisa again.How are you feeling today?In Indonesian, people will ask: "Bagaimana perasa...
Lisa Budiharjo
SAME but DIFFERENT (Indonesia and Japan words)
Hello, How are you?Hope everything's going well.When learning Indonesian, maybe you'll find some wo...
Lisa Budiharjo
What Do You Do in Your Free Time?
I am a person who gets bored easily. So i try to do various things in my free time. In a COVID situ...
Lisa Budiharjo
Indonesia Folk Tales - Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was called ...
Lisa Budiharjo
East Java Food that Maybe Suitable for Everyone's Taste (Part 1)
Hi Everyone!Who likes Indonesian food? Did you know, Indonesian food is very diverse and depends on...
Lisa Budiharjo
Bonjour tout le monde !! (みさなん、こんにちは) 今日は大好評、"手遊び"第2戦 をご紹介します!! タイトル→Si tu as de la joie au coe...
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