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Yuki Sato 강사 칼럼

Funny mistakes I made in English ~ 英語で面白い間違えをした時

주간 토픽: Funny Mistakes I Have Experienced in Language Learning

2021년 11월 29일

When I was younger (middle school...) I used to make two mistakes that were obvious but not so obvious until someone corrects you. 

The first one was saying "pacifically" instead of "specifically" .... I was saying pacific... ocean? instead of trying to say specific.. sigh * so embrassing. They also sound similar so if you talk fast enough no one will notice. 

The second one was saying "explanation point" instead of "exclamation point" (!) I was trying to explain a point instead of to exclaim. Close but not quite!! 


一つ目は、"specifically" - 明確なを "pacifically" - pacific ocean は太平洋です。。ただ単に specifically と発音が似てるだけです。。この間違えは大人の方もよく言ってます。笑

二つ目は "exclamation point" (!)の記号 これは to exclaim 叫ぶ、何かを強調する事です。それを ”explanation point" と呼んでいました。to explain は何かを説明する事です。。似てるけどちょと違う。。



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