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kiwi 강사 칼럼

庭づくりも、日本語授業も個性に合わせて。Tailored to your personality, both garden design and Japanese language classes.

2023년 5월 22일

長い間(ながいあいだ)、大学(だいがく)の語学(ごがく)の先生(せんせい)たちに日本語を教(おし)えてきたのですが、文法(ぶんぽう)や語彙(ごい)、ひらがな、カタカナなど、バランスよく覚(おぼ)えてくれていました。ところが、先回(せんかい)、IT技術者(ぎじゅつしゃ)の日本語研修(にほんごけんしゅう)を担当(たんとう)したときのことですが、ルールのある文法は驚(おどろ)くほどの速(はや)さと正確(せいかく)さで、どんどん覚えてくれていたのですが、ひらがなや カナカナがどうしても覚えられません。宿題(しゅくだい)をだしたり、ホワイトボ-ドにかいてもらって、確認(かくにん)したりしていたのですが、「ほんとに苦手(にがて)」でした。なのに、漢字(かんじ)は面白(おもしろ)がって、さくさく覚えちゃうんです。まあ、漢字にはル-ルがありますものね。

When planting plants in a garden, you may fail if you don’t know the nature of the plant. For example, hydrangeas that prefer shade will bloom beautifully when planted in a place where direct sunlight does not hit.

For a long time, I taught Japanese to university language teachers, and they remembered grammar, vocabulary, hiragana, katakana, etc. in a well-balanced way.
However, when I was in charge of Japanese language training for IT engineers the other day, they were able to remember the grammar rules with surprising speed and accuracy, but they couldn’t remember hiragana and katakana no matter what. I gave them homework and had them write on the whiteboard to check, but they were really bad at it.
Surprisingly, they enjoy learning kanji quickly.Is it because there are rules for kanji?
It is necessary to teach according to the individuality of the student.
Just like planting plants in an appropriate place, it is the joy of a Japanese language teacher to teach classes that suit each student.


이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

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