~ “DIFFERENCE #4” repeat - for a reason ...


This was something that I wrote back in the summer, however today someone was very “kind” to me and helped to ‘make my day’. When I thanked them, they asked what the difference was between ‘kind’ and ‘polite’, so I thought I would re-post it => here it is...


That was so ‘kind’ of him to do that ~ she is so ‘polite’ ~ this is very ‘tender’ --> so what’s the difference? Let me explain ...

1. someone who is of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.

2. someone who is having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.

3. someone who is indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often followed by to): to be kind to animals.

4. mild; gentle; clement: kind weather.
5. British Dialect; loving, affectionate.

1. someone showing good manners toward others, as in behaviour, speech, etc.; courteous; civil: a polite reply.
2. someone who is refined or cultured: polite society.

3. of a refined or elegant kind: polite learning.

1. something that is soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough: a tender steak.

2. something that is weak or delicate in build; not strong or hardy.

3. objects (ex. ‘plants’) that are unable to withstand freezing temperatures.

4. someone young or immature: children of tender age.

5. something that is delicate or soft in quality: tender blue.

Hopefully that gave you a better understanding of the different meanings of “kind”, “polite” and “tender”. Yes, ‘tender’ can also be used to describe people (more often than not ‘young people’), but normally we use it to describe things/objects/food.

I hope you now understand the differences ~

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