Globetrotters Unite: Exploring the World through Travel Conversations

Travel English

레슨 상세 내용

Traveling Conversation Class
**Objective:** By the end of the lesson, students will be able to engage in a fluent conversation about travel destinations, experiences, and preferences.
**Warm-Up (5 minutes):**
1. **Greetings and Introduction:** Greet the students and ask them how they are doing.
2. **Discussion Starter:** Show a picture or video clip related to travel (e.g., a famous landmark, a beach, a cityscape). Ask students:
   - "Where do you think this is?"
   - "Have you been to a place like this before?"
   - Encourage students to share brief personal experiences related to the image or video.
**Main Activity - Travel Conversation (15 minutes):**
1. **Topic Introduction:** Introduce the main topic: travel. Briefly discuss why people travel and what they enjoy about it.
2. **Pair Discussion:** Divide students into pairs. Provide them with a few discussion prompts:
   - "What is your favorite place that you have visited?"
   - "Where would you like to go on your next vacation?"
   - "Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends/family? Why?"
   - "What do you think is the best way to travel: by plane, train, or car?"
   Instruct them to discuss these prompts for about 5-7 minutes. Monitor and provide support as needed.
3. **Whole Group Feedback:** Bring the students back to the main room and ask a few pairs to share their thoughts with the whole class. Encourage other students to ask follow-up questions or share similar experiences.
**Vocabulary and Expressions (5 minutes):**
1. **Key Vocabulary:** Present and discuss a few key travel-related vocabulary words or phrases that came up during the discussions (e.g., destination, adventure, accommodation, sightseeing).
2. **Usage Practice:** Use these words in sample sentences related to travel. Have students repeat after you to practice pronunciation and usage.
**Wrap-Up (5 minutes):**
1. **Reflection and Feedback:** Ask students to reflect on what they've learned about travel preferences and experiences during the lesson. Also, ask if they found the discussion helpful for practicing their fluency.
2. **Assignment (Optional):** Assign a short writing task where students describe their dream vacation destination, reasons for wanting to visit, and activities they would do there. This can be collected and reviewed in the next class.
**Closing (1 minute):**
1. **Summary:** Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson and thank the students for their participation.

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  • 언제든 취소 가능

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  • 레슨 시작 24시간 전→ 언제든 취소 가능
  • 레슨 시작 24시간 이내→ 취소 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.
  • 노쇼→ 취소 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.
    (자세한 사항은 강사에게 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.)

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19:00   22:00
09:00   11:30
19:00   22:00
09:00   11:30
19:00   22:00
09:00   11:30
19:00   22:00
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Globetrotters Unite: Exploring the World through Travel Conversations



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